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  interviews > interviews > regular interviews

  mass murderer
(art also available)

talking with mass murderer, ansi/ascii artist with aew, odelay, kwest and ice..

Session Start: Sat Nov 25 09:57:05 1997

*** Now talking in #massm
*** Now talking in #massm
*** Joins: massm (

<dangermouse> ok, let's get going..
<mass murderer> ok

<dangermouse> state your real statistics, ie. name, age, live, hobbies (besides ansi)..
<mass murderer> my handle is Mass Murderer, my real name is John(dUH!!) im 16, and live in New York.
<mass murderer> Hobbiess..
<mass murderer> This shit *grin*, girls, and lifting.
<dangermouse> new york new yooorrrkk
<dangermouse> girls eh? :)
<dangermouse> hehe
<dangermouse> cool..
<mass murderer> shut up or ill cap you.

<dangermouse> so when did you, and how did you first get involved with the scene?
<mass murderer> well, my brother was involved in the warez stuff back in '91.. so i helped run his board, and i was always interested in the art related stuff.. so i went with that..
<dangermouse> yah

<dangermouse> any memories of your first group?
<mass murderer> First group.. haha.. it was a group named PHiNK, some local guys were in it, i dont think there was ever even a release, i drew a beautiful menu out of a thedraw font.. wee.
<dangermouse> oh yeah.. haha.. the old 'thedraw' fonts..
<dangermouse> god, I think i used a few of those a long long time ago..
<mass murderer> hell yeah, i colored em too.
<dangermouse> people still do i'd say :)
<mass murderer> we all did .. in the early elite ages.
<dangermouse> woop!
<mass murderer> haha.. its possible :) there is actually a 'MASSM THEDRAW FONT' out.. hi jules :)

<dangermouse> so, what other groups did you join the ranks of?
<dangermouse> more importantly, when did you join your first 'BIG' group?
<mass murderer> Ok, well i was in a pretty successful local group called ESCAPE.. then i joined a few other locals including Exile and Ioa which turned to Rigor.. then one day i felt all cool with my Worldgroup inet access and joined Blade.. hehe.. well, from there I went on to joining basic for a month, trank for a week, fire ascii, ice, awe, kwest, odelay, remorse, who the hell knows what else.. i am currently with a few of those..
<dangermouse> odelay and ice i believe?
<mass murderer> and kwest and awe
<mass murderer> 2 for ansi, 2 for ascii
<dangermouse> shit, good on ya :>

*** dngrmouse sets mode: +o massm

<mass murderer> :)
<dangermouse> excuse my manners
<dangermouse> :)
<mass murderer> HELL YEAH
<dangermouse> hehe :)
<dangermouse> woops

*** massm_ changes topic to "Me "

<dangermouse> who inspired you?
<dangermouse> i mean, downloading those packs in the early days, did it get your juices flowing?
<mass murderer> ya know.. the good ol' boys of Acid and Ice.. Lord Jazz, Tempus, STC.. and some new guys just rock my balls, like Samurai, DIscyple, Haji, konami, tna, etc.
<dangermouse> yeah
<dangermouse> i know downloading the acid and ice packs of old rocked my nads..
<mass murderer> yeah, when people used to draw.

<dangermouse> do you think your current style draws from any of these people?
<mass murderer> Whew.. toughie.. well, my style had to originate SOMEWHERE, eh? Probably from the styles of Tna, Unsane, and Pnak all wrapped together when a pink balloon on top.
<dangermouse> hhhaha
<mass murderer> Ya know, Tna, fluor, and gstone actually TAUGHT me to draw ansi
<mass murderer> so, i owe them props
<dangermouse> i spose it's like when you get stuck on an idea -- and people do -- you look at other packs to find inspiration..
<dangermouse> no shit? how'd they teach you tho? tutes? personal help? or by just looking at their art..
<mass murderer> tutors, telling me my mistakes.. i was learning ansi UNDERGROUND for like 3 months before i released MY FIRST ANSI logos with ice
<dangermouse> yeah
<dangermouse> that was probably a good thing :)
<mass murderer> yes
<dangermouse> i remeber my first ansi with a group called 'pyro', a local brissie group run by my mate grant, and thank god we weren't well known :)
<mass murderer> i bet there were a million groups names PYRO in history.. its so .. ehh.. NAMABLE.
<dangermouse> i know :)
<dangermouse> we were thinking about a 'pyroview' but guess who had it :) (hi hal)
<mass murderer> haha.. hal beat you to the punch on that one, he was always ripping my ideas too, hi jesse.

<dangermouse> yeah, before you mentioned 'when people used to draw', can you expand on this?
<mass murderer> i mean, look at a basic ansi pack today.. 3/4 of the group is inactive.. it pisses me off, its like people have already left the scene for dead.
<dangermouse> yeah i know just what you mean..

<dangermouse> what do you think of maestro's recent plea on behalf of the scene?
<mass murderer> say whaa.. i never even read it,. i guess ive kinda been 'out of' things for the past few months, tell me about it.
<dangermouse> welp, i dunno if you've read my article a while back on the matter, but, ansi is about ART, not about bullentin boards, which some people seem to think it is..
<mass murderer> well, if you think about it, bulletin boards is what kept art going.. and kept artists drawing.
<dangermouse> maestro, me and few others are hoping to inspire the scene into 'drawing' again..
<dangermouse> welp, bbs' aren't art though, that's just it.. think about it.. ansi art doesn't rely on a bbs, a bbs relys on ansi art..
<mass murderer> alot of artists only get off their ass for money nowadays, i mean, i dont understand how art turned the way it did..
<dangermouse> exactly.. make money out of ansi? haha.. yeah..
<mass murderer> Ansi art kinda relys on bbs's .. some people only draw for money which will be for one's bbs.
<dangermouse> it should only be a hobby, i mean, how many execs in the 'real' world would pay some guy to draw ansi..
<mass murderer> and how many ansi millionaires do you see?
<mass murderer> :)
<dangermouse> well, that's a point i guess... but times have changed, ansi needs to be about the art..
<mass murderer> i agree.. ascii too :)

<dangermouse> well, on that note, where do you see the art scene heading in the future, and if nowhere, how can we go about solving it?
<mass murderer> and vga, and whatever else people are doing.
<mass murderer> to tell you the truth, when i look into my crystal ball, i dont see anything positive in the scene.. no kind of RENEWING.. on a sad note, i feel it is all downhill from here, unless we get like a bunch of new anxious artist coming in some time soon.
<dangermouse> yeah.. a sad truth.. but something needs to be done..

<dangermouse> well, man, good luck with your art.. ice/odelay/kwest/ awe inclined..
<dangermouse> been nice talking to you..
<mass murderer> thanks man
<mass murderer> same here
<mass murderer> talk to ya later
<dangermouse> yup
<dangermouse> cya

Session Close: Sat Nov 25 10:25:21 1997

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