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  interviews > interviews > regular interviews

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talking with ts, yes the highly respected former leader of teklordz..

Session Start: Thu Jul 17 07:19:18 1997

*** Now talking in #808moo

(µ) [o: 1][v: 0][n: 0][t: 1][m: none]

<ts-> okidokee

*** dngrmouse sets mode: +o ts-

<dangermouse> we have a channel -- woo!
<ts-> +i ?
<ts-> yea, werd
<ts-> hehe
<dangermouse> why not

*** Retrieving #808moo channel info...

* ts- takes off his shirt

*** dngrmouse sets mode: +i

<ts-> hehe nah just kidding
<dangermouse> hehe.. umm, yeah..

* dngrmouse runs for the hills

<dangermouse> bah
<ts-> it's just that this whole channel thing reminds me of that wack netsex shit.
<dangermouse> yeah, ok.. let's start
<dangermouse> haha
<dangermouse> you sick little boy :)
<ts-> i'm sick but i'm not little

<dangermouse> ok, so tell me about ts, how did you first end up drawing in the scene..?
<ts-> erm well there was this lamer network of boards in hawaii.. got on this board, took notice of the local ansi following
<ts-> granted it wasn't ANYTHING like the shit in the scene... but... it was a start
<dangermouse> start from the bottom, work ya way up..
<ts-> so i started doing my own little bits of lame stuff...
<ts-> there was a period of about 6 months before i even encountered anything remotely scene-related
<dangermouse> ahh
<ts-> then in july 94 smooth invited me to teklordz.
<ts-> the rest is history
<dangermouse> history which makes for questions..
<dangermouse> :)
<ts-> aye
<ts-> but we'll leave you to ask them, no? ;)
<ts-> be interesting... muaha
<dangermouse> ahhaa
<dangermouse> oke
<ts-> "so.... what kinda hardcore music do you listen to?" like, who gives a shit

<dangermouse> any doodle boy sex involved to get a senior pos in tl?
<ts-> hahah
<dangermouse> (interesting enuf?)
<dangermouse> hehe
<ts-> umm. no.. just some major ass kissing.
<dangermouse> ahh, foreplay
<dangermouse> hehe
<ts-> nah, the senior positions i've always given to people who seemed to give a shit about the group
<ts-> it didn't really matter that they were good... experience came with time
<dangermouse> well, take radman for example, he dont draw much cause he aint got the time -- the fact was ACiD became a 2nd job prolly

<dangermouse> how long after joining did you find ya self a senior?
<ts-> i officially became a senior back in may 1995... the group was going to shit because of neglect, and i decided to take the initiative and just seize control of the group.
<dangermouse> hhaa
<dangermouse> spiffy takeover :)
<ts-> to put it simply... i was sick and tired of being in a group that lectured me about leaving, not giving the grup a chance, etc.. when they werent willing to put the effort into runnign the group RIGHT
<ts-> as there was a point in feb 95 when i was nearly fed up
<dangermouse> yeah?
<ts-> yeah, i almost left for Mistigris.
<ts-> or maybe it was jan 95
<dangermouse> lucky you didn't i spose
<dangermouse> haha
<ts-> i don't remember all too clearly.
<ts-> but anyway that experience kinda gave me a good sense of what people appreciated when being in a group and i set out to surround myself with people that cared and gave a shit...

<dangermouse> after taking up the prez pos in teklordz, what goals or missions did you want for the group? where did you invision teklordz going?
<ts-> well... first of all, i kicked out 90% of the group.
<ts-> hehe
<ts-> that was not FUN at all.
<ts-> it was very necessary however
<ts-> as to where it was going...
<ts-> i wanted to create a niche for teklordz...
<dangermouse> thats the only way to run a group, not appointing someone because of their doodle skills, (though it can be an attributing factor), but cause they have good leadership qualities
<ts-> as well as a strong loyalty base
<dangermouse> so no group jumpers and glory beggers?
<ts-> yeah, none of that shit.
<ts-> i had lots of aspirations as far as where i wanted to take teklordz initially...

(µ) The time is now 7:30am.

<ts-> but it seems that many of my goals for the group were never realized.
<dangermouse> how so?
<ts-> well... not to be egotistical, i was the core of teklordz. i revived that sucker, i did a GREAT deal of the work running it, collecting the artwork.
<ts-> it was nearly a single handed job
<ts-> in its later years it got better, i got some really reliable people around me.. but the early years were TOUGH
<ts-> and at the same time i was actively contributing art to teklordz packs
<ts-> so you can imagine..

<dangermouse> where would you say teklordz was in the *quality* ladder when you took it over, and where it was at its peak?
<ts-> teklordz was SHIT in the quality ladder when i took it over..
<dangermouse> say compared to the other major groups
<ts-> like absolute shit.
<dangermouse> whoa
<ts-> i considered teklordz back then shit and shit now ;)
<ts-> however... when i took it over...
<dangermouse> well :)
<ts-> although i wanted more quality...
<ts-> i wanted more to show people that art was about having fun, having fun within the medium, learning how to expand beyond the cliches of the scene
<ts-> it wasn't just about quality... tho often quality came about thru a love of the medium.

<dangermouse> ahh, a good aspiration.. that in itself would lead to group loyalty
<ts-> hah you'd be surprised. though i must admit those that have been around for awhile in teklordz, it's more of a respect thing i guess. :)
<ts-> what was worse i guess, was when people would leave the group, esp since i put so much effort into it.
<dangermouse> hehe.. i even suppose if the prez drew really well, the group would get more members -- though this isn't proven..
<ts-> i'd actually take it personally... to an extent
<dangermouse> like the members that leave are saying "bah, u suck" or something?
<ts-> nah it's more like, teklordz sucks, and i'm going to a better group.
<dangermouse> yerah
<ts-> in my opinion a group is what you make it... not the quality that makes it.
<ts-> even a group like ACID or iCE doesn't really have a solid group loyalty
<ts-> but you have to realize to be 'in' a group... there has to be something else other than just releasing together in a zipfile that binds the group together.

<dangermouse> well, enough bout teklordz, what about yourself, how did you see yourself develop artistically?
<ts-> well basically i've been drawing all my life...
<ts-> it's like i told this guy the other day... the real question is when you started drawing seriously, drawing as an 'art'
<ts-> when i was in highschool and intermediate school i used to draw planes...
<dangermouse> futuristic spiffy ones ??!???
<ts-> but it really never occured to me that i might be interested in the 'art' of it
<ts-> that started when i started drawing ANSI. ANSI was the thing that opened new artistic venues for me
<ts-> hehe nah i was into world war two planes
<ts-> i still sorta am
<dangermouse> oh :~( :)
<ts-> but it's more tempered ;)

<dangermouse> did you experiment a lot with the ansi medium?
<ts-> yeah... i think the thing that got me experimenting in the first place was that first 6 months i didn't spend in the scene.
<ts-> lots of scene guys start comic ripping as soon as they enter the scene
<ts-> but for me... it was about the ideas, the concepts behind the art
<dangermouse> i dunno, i just find pics too hard :) guess im not that artistic (more so with patience)
<ts-> and being able to execute on some dope ideas i had.. ;>
<ts-> that was certainly something to work towards.
<dangermouse> ahh

<dangermouse> well the question you;ve been asked many times i spose, why did you leave the ansi scene?
<ts-> well.. i got bored with it i guess...
<ts-> i mean... so many guys in the scene just lapse into style stagnance
<dangermouse> hmm
<ts-> and i didn't want that to happen
<ts-> part i guess is because also i wanted to pursue demo style vga
<ts-> right now i'm in a hungarian demo group, Exceed
<dangermouse> aahha.. not cause of the attitude some seem to have -- "oh im so good, you cant req from me little man!"
<ts-> oh no
<ts-> that was never a reason for anything

<ts-> it doesn't mean ive quit ansi 1oo% ... but i don't get the bug to draw ansi that much anymore
<ts-> i did stop requests, but not because i thought i was too good.. ;)
<ts-> my requests actually stopped some time ago...
<dangermouse> yeah im just so sick of that attitude tho, like if someone comes into #ansi asks for an ansi, he either gets kicked, banned or insulted..
<ts-> because it was getting annoying that people would just bug me over and over again for it
<dangermouse> yeah, well there is that :(
<ts-> there was one guy, pale, that even had the fUCKING NERVE to tell me to load up thedraw while i was at SCHOOL and draw his dumb ansi.
<dangermouse> haha
<dangermouse> dickhead
<ts-> also...
<ts-> i'm kinda a lazy artist
<dangermouse> well there's two types of reqs: sincere, ask once only ppl and lamers
<ts-> plus i'm a fulltime university student
<dangermouse> same here
<ts-> time is scarce. ;)
<ts-> motivation scarce as well. ;)
<dangermouse> hah
<ts-> so i didn't want to make promises i couldn't keep
<ts-> i think the only two people that will get ansis if i ever do for anyone will be betrayer... and kyosuke

<dangermouse> welp, spose this would be a good place to call it quits? any greets or some shit?
<ts-> hehe was that a rhetorical question? ;)
<dangermouse> ehhe
<ts-> well depends on you... if you got more questions, i'm game
<ts-> if not...
<ts-> hehe
<dangermouse> i aint, i've run out.. well, we could chat for ages, but that would be a load of swill
<ts-> haha
<ts-> ok
<dangermouse> :>
<ts-> well greets then
<ts-> greets go out to Optic, Hal, Unreal, Theknight, Necrofiliac, Xeenman, Balrog, Pix, Kyosuke, Tempo, Extreme, O-tron, Numb, Tatharina ...
<ts-> also the guys from Exceed.
<dangermouse> your mum
<ts-> and yo mamma

Session Close: Thu Jul 17 08:12:54 1997

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